Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How long have you had your tattoo?

One of the key pieces of information we ask when a prospective Houston tattoo removal patient calls to ask about our procedure is how long they've had their tattoo. This, along with the coloration of the tattoo, the tattoo's size, and location on the body, is one of the key questions because it helps us provide an accurate estimate of the price and number of treatments a patient will need.

Tattoos that are very new - less than 3 months, generally - are more difficult to remove than older tattoos. The tattoo pigment hasn't "settled" yet, and the first treatment is somewhat less effective than it would be normally. Some patients, though, are very excited to get started with tattoo removal, and we'll start treatment but let them know that it may take a few extra treatments than normal because of the newness of the tattoo.

On the other end of the spectrum are tattoos that are over 10 years old. For many patients, they've been out in the sun with this tattoo for many years and the body's immune system has been fighting this "foreign matter" - the tattoo's ink and weakening it. Our laser procedure is able to break up this ink quite easily and often patients are able to have their tattoos removed in as few a 3-5 treatments. Some rare tattoos can be removed in only 2 or 3 treatments.


Anonymous said...

By using Profade, you can make tattoos disappear regardless of the color, ink used, quantity, age of the tattoo or the depth of your skin. Get all this without having to meet in a clinic, but from the comfort of your home.Results are 100% guaranteed.
No pain involved.http://www.profade.com/

Jennifer said...

This was helpful and made me feel better! My tattoos are 10 years old and have been in the sun. I am hoping they are easily removed, but I am prepared for anything because I know how happy I will be when they are gone!

I am in New York so I won't be able to go to your office, but I will let you know how it goes!