Sunday, March 2, 2008

Tattoo Removal More Affordable Than Ever Before

Advances in technology over the last several years has greatly decreased the cost of laser tattoo removal. These advances have made removal of unwanted tattoos a series of procedures that the average patient is excited to undergo versus a dreaded and painful occurance.

Tattoo removal lasers such as Cynosure's Affinity QS are designed precisely for the removal of dermal pigmentation - also known as tattoos. With minimal pain and quick treatment times, current laser tattoo removal procedures no longer need expensive and invasive surgery.

The leading practitioner of Houston tattoo removal is New Look Laser Tattoo Removal. They are among the most experienced providers of laser tattoo removal and specialists in the procedure - removing tattoos is the only treatment they offer.

As such, they do many tattoo removal procedures every day and charge lower fees for their services. Other clinics may have 5 or 10 lasers and only do one or two tattoo removal procedures per week, and have to charge more for the service because they must cover the cost of the expensive machine. Several other clinic rent their machine and have neither the expertise nor flexibility to charge reasonable rates.

If you are interested in laser tattoo removal in Houston, call New Look 7 days a week at 1-800-NEW-LOOK.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Do you need to remove a tattoo that changed?

Many people pursue laser tattoo removal because their tattoos no longer look they way they want. Some of the key reasons include pregnancy, fading because of too much sun exposure, or poor quality ink fading and blurring in their tattoo.

When woman experience pregnancy, their bodies change in important ways. Their abdomen expands to provide room for the baby to grow, and this often leads to the stretching of the skin around the belly and hips. A tattoo that looked great before the pregnancy may be stretched or faded and no longer look as good as before.

Tattoo ink may also fade due to excessive sun exposure. The sun's energy will, over time, break down the pigment in a tattoo to create the impression of fading. This process will take many years and often leave a tattoo that lacks certain colors or elements.

New Look Laser Tattoo Removal specializes in safe and effective tattoo removal. Visit their website for more information on Houston tattoo removal.

Not Dating "the Ex" Anymore?

One of the most common reason to remove a tattoo is because the tattoo displays the name of a ex. This may be a ex-boyfriend or girlfriend or ex-wife or husband. The relationship that you thought would last forever has now ended and you are left with a lot of memories and this tattoo that you were afraid you'd have forever.

Thankfully, effective options now exist to remove your unwanted tattoo. Names are one of the most common tattoo to be removed by Houston tattoo removal expert New Look. Depending on the size of the tattoo, the style (cursive writing vs. block letters), the color, etc. the tattoo can be removed over a course of quick treatments that will remove that unwanted name.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How long have you had your tattoo?

One of the key pieces of information we ask when a prospective Houston tattoo removal patient calls to ask about our procedure is how long they've had their tattoo. This, along with the coloration of the tattoo, the tattoo's size, and location on the body, is one of the key questions because it helps us provide an accurate estimate of the price and number of treatments a patient will need.

Tattoos that are very new - less than 3 months, generally - are more difficult to remove than older tattoos. The tattoo pigment hasn't "settled" yet, and the first treatment is somewhat less effective than it would be normally. Some patients, though, are very excited to get started with tattoo removal, and we'll start treatment but let them know that it may take a few extra treatments than normal because of the newness of the tattoo.

On the other end of the spectrum are tattoos that are over 10 years old. For many patients, they've been out in the sun with this tattoo for many years and the body's immune system has been fighting this "foreign matter" - the tattoo's ink and weakening it. Our laser procedure is able to break up this ink quite easily and often patients are able to have their tattoos removed in as few a 3-5 treatments. Some rare tattoos can be removed in only 2 or 3 treatments.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Tattoo Removal Results

Happy Sunday-

We've been received a large number of calls the last few months that catch us by surprise. They come from patients who have been to other tattoo removal clinics and have gone through 5 or more treatments but are unsatisfied with the results.

Laser tattoo removal is a procedure that takes several key elements to be successful. First, the clinic needs to have a provider who has experience and specialized training at tattoo removal. Tattoos vary across dozen of variables - color, size, type of ink, depth in the skin, previous treatments, skin sensitivity, history of scarring, etc. Having a strong medical background allows the tattoo removal specialist to use the right settings on the laser and know when a patient needs something extra. A tattoo that is professionally done is handled differently than a tattoo done with a ballpoint pen and deeper in the skin.

Second, the Houston tattoo removal clinic should be using the correct laser for the procedure. Many of the patients who are unsatisfied with their prior treatments have been somewhere where the wrong laser was used. A medical laser used for laser hair removal isn't appropriate for laser tattoo removal. An IPL (intense pulsed light) machine used for facial resurfacing/rejuvination isn't appropriate for laser tattoo removal. A laser with 20 different handpieces for a variety of procedures isn't as effective as one designed exclusive for laser tattoo removal.

At New Look Laser Tattoo Removal, the medical staff uses a laser designed specifically for tattoo removal. The wavelength, energy output, and other settings are perfect to remove a wide range of colored tattoos, but would never be used for laser hair removal or other procedures. To learn more about New Look's technology and procedure, visit the tattoo removal procedure page.

Monday, February 18, 2008

New Look featured in story on Houston TV

New Look Laser Tattoo Removal was recently featured in a story on Houston TV Channel 13 - ABC. Reporter Patricia Lopez presented a story about homemade tattoos among young people in Houston. The coverage focused on the risk associated with homemade tattoo equipment - especially the lack of sterilization and risk of spreading infection with the needles.

New Look often removes homemade tattoos, including those done at home, prison, and other locations. As the leader in Houston tattoo removal, often we have parents call us after they learn their children have gotten a tattoo without their knowledge. Key concerns of parents include the risk of infection from the tattooing as well as the location and visibility of some tattoos.

The story on ABC Eyewitness News including interviews with young people and their parents who experienced homemade tattoos, showed the tattoo removal procedure with Lynette Kennedy, FNP, and an interview with New Look's President, Ryan N. Lambert.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Great results for laser tattoo removal

There is a laser tattoo removal clinic in Houston that is producing great results for their patients. New Look Laser Tattoo Removal - - focuses exclusively on tattoo removal and has experience removing tattoos for hundreds of patients. Services are provided with a certified nurse practitioner who is also a Certified Laser Specialist and Laser Safety Officer. They use Cynosure's Affinity QS, a Q-Switched Nd:Yag laser, the most advanced tattoo removal laser on the market.

Coloration of tattoo is an important consideration when estimating the number of treatments needed to remove a tattoo. The wavelengths produced by the laser are two: 532nm and 1064nm. The 532nm wavelength is used to remove lighter colors (red, orange, green, yellow), and New Look has seen great results in removing all of these colors. The red pigment in tattoos often is removed in the first or second treatment, with green being the most difficult color, especially when the green is lighter rather than darker. For black, brown, dark blue, and purple, tattoo removal is easily accomplished. The length of time a patient has had the tattoo, the amount of pigment in the tattoo, and the quality of the ink used are important considerations in estimating the number of laser tattoo removal sessions needed.

To see some more details on the procedure, visit http://www.NewLookHouston/Tattoo_Removal.html

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

History of Tattoo Removal

Some more on the evolution of tattoo removal...

One form of tattoo removal is dermabrasion - a more aggressive form of today's micro-dermabrasion used to adjust small imperfections on the skin. Dermabrasion would use chemical agents (caustic acids), salt (called salabrasion -, or sandpaper to remove the outer and lower layers of skin. This method often causes unattractive and permanent scarring, making the procedure questionable when done for cosmetic reasons. Tattoo removal is intended to enhance the look of the skin rather than degrade it, so dermabrasion has only been done in the most severe cases and is no longer a common procedure.

Another form of tattoo removal is tissue expansion or staged excision. This procedure uses a balloon, which is inflated to stretch the skin in a controlled manner. The balloon is placed under the patient's skin and the physician cuts away ("excision") sections of the skin one at a time ("staged") until the tattoo is removed. This procedure is effective when the tattoo is near the surface of the skin, but leaves significant scars.

A third form of tattoo removal is cryosurgery. The skin that holds the tattoo pigment is frozen with liquid nitrogen ( or other means. Then, layers of skin are exfoliated in a peeling process. This procedure leaves scars and is impractical for large tattoos, or those that are deeply placed in the skin.

Laser tattoo removal is the most recent, most common, and most effective form of tattoo removal practiced today. In my next post, I'll go into detail on the use of lasers for tattoo removal.

Monday, January 21, 2008

First Post for Houston Tattoo Removal!


This is my first blog post....ever. I'm excited to be part of this new form of communication, and look forward to meeting a lot of new people and discussing my new favorite topic - laser tattoo removal.

Tattoo removal has come a long way - until the last few decades, the only way to remove a tattoo was to attempt to burn it off or cut away the skin colored with the tattoo (a procedure called "excision"). Then, a variety of other procedures developed - including microdermabrasion (, chemical peels (, and lasers (

Laser technology has advances from early C02 laser ( that would basically burn off the out layer of skin, resulting in great pain to the patient and a costly procedure that only was used in the most serious cases. Over the past two decades, laser tattoo removal has become much more sophisticated. Different laser frequencies target different pigment in the tattoo, enhancing the ability of medical practitioners to remove tattoos of many colors.

My next blog posting will dive a bit deeper into the evolution of laser technology.